The Eggplant MicroSatellite DataBase (EgMiDB) is a user-friendly and freely accessible tool, and offers chromosome wise as well as location wise search of primers by implementing Primer3. This web application, based on a LAMP solution stack, organizes microsatellites data in a MySQL database and provides an effective and responsive interface developed in PHP. To cater the customized needs of wet lab, features with a novelty of an automated primer designing tool is added.
EgMiDB represents a one-stop resource for the global community of scientists and breeders. The database has been projected to gain benefit of the genome sequence linked to pseudomolecules/scaffold and, having user need-based primer designing facilities with mobile-friendly features, will facilitate rapid selection of suitable custom markers for a wide range of genetic analyses.
For plant variety identification along with degree of admixture, SSRs are ideal if they are in multiplex mode. From our large marker dataset, the identification of markers with thermodynamic compatibility for multiplex designing can be accomplished. The feature of user defined primer designing has great advantage in terms of precise selection from each chromosome, defined location, size of amplicons for ease of rapid genotyping.

Flow of user operations and interactions with Eggplant MicroSatellite DataBase